welcome to
the united churches of olympia

Love. Hope. United.


next events & announcements

  • Join us this Sunday for a special combined worship service at 9:30am in the Sanctuary. We will resume our regular schedule of two services on April 6.

    • 10:30 AM Sunday, March 30 Worship Bulletin - coming soon

      Call or email the office (Monday - Wednesday) for a link to join the Zoom service or sign up for our Weekly E-blast below.

      On the first Sunday of each month and each Sunday during Lent, we take communion. If you join us via Zoom, please prepare your own elements (bread/cracker and wine/juice) before the service.

      Permission to webcast/stream the music in these services was obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A- 731056.  All Rights Reserved.

  • Faith Friends meets every Sunday after the Passing of the Peace for “Time on the Quilt” in the Sanctuary followed by lessons and activities in the childcare room. Youth group now meets Wednesdays at 5:30pm.

  • Please remember to send in your tithe, pledge or gift. We need your support to keep our programs functioning. Thank you for your generosity!



Every Monday evening starting on March 10, join us for our Lenten Gatherings.

At 5:00 PM, the Sanctuary will be open for guided meditation and prayers. At 5:30 PM, there will be a soup supper. From 6:00-7:00 PM, we will engage around the table with our Lenten themes. All are welcome to join us - designed for all ages.

United Scholarship Application materials now available

The application process for both the McNall and Reeves Family scholarships is now open. Applicants must have an active relationship with the United Churches and must be at least a graduating high school senior or otherwise seeking a postsecondary education. Submission deadline is May 1, 2025.

United Churches Application Form


March 10 - April 7 - Every Monday evening, join us for our Lenten Gatherings from 5-7pm; meditation, soup, and small group discussions

March 30 - Special Combined Worship Service at 9:30am

April 6 - “Get to Know Us Brunch” for new visitors at 11:30am

April 13 - Palm Sunday services at 8:30am and 10:30am

April 14 - Annual American Guild of Organists Organ Concert at 12:15pm

April 17 - Maundy Thursday potluck dinner and communion at 5:30pm

April 20 - Easter services at 8:30am and 10:30am


Please remember to join via Zoom if you have any symptoms of a cold or flu or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19. Thank you!


We believe that God loves all people, and invite all persons to participate in our fellowship, especially extending our welcome to children and their families. Our children are invited to share in worship, and can also attend weekly faith formation classes. 

Everyone is welcome at The United Churches of Olympia!

The United Churches makes explicit the welcome of LGBTQIA+ folks and we are committed to advocating for transgender, gender non-binary, and people of all gender identities in the church and society. Our membership affiliation includes: Covenant Network of Presbyterians, UCC Open and Affirming Coalition, UCC Join the Movement and More Light Presbyterians. We are a PC(USA) Matthew 25 church.

The United Churches of Olympia stands on the Ancestral Lands of the Nisqually and Squaxin People.


