We encourage the spiritual growth of people of all ages and provide opportunities for intentional study of our faith, the Bible and contemporary issues. You can participate in weekly Bible Studies, a meditation group and various other offerings.

SMALL GROUPS (many of our groups take time off during July and August - please contact the office for more info)

Providing opportunities for fellowship and community is a key value of The United Churches of Olympia.  We believe in engagement and active participation through a variety of service and social activities in the church. We have sign up groups and show up groups to meet the needs of our congregation to engage with each other in fellowship and friendship. Our goal is to have a small group for everyone.


(Groups you can join at anytime and any frequency.)

Lively Lectionary

This gathering is a chance to learn about the weekly Bible passages for preaching and is led by one of our pastors.  We meet on Wednesdays from 10:45 – Noon in the Fireside Room. This group meets year round.

Thursdays Together

If you like to play games of any variety: word, card, board or any other, just show up.  We sometimes even keep score. 😊 Games, conversation, and coffee in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. We meet on Thursdays from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in the Fireside Room from September to May.

Men's Group

Join us at 8 am on the second Friday of each month at a local restaurant. Contact the church office for the location. 

Piececrafters Ministry (formerly Tikvah Ministry)

The Piececrafters invite everyone working on a knit, crochet, or sewing project to gather and work on their individual projects together the first Saturday of every month. We meet in the Fireside Room from 10 am-Noon.  Please join us and bring a friend.

Centering Prayer

We meet on Thursdays at 8:00pm on Zoom (September - May). Join us to practice this ancient tradition of contemplative prayer in the quiet of your own home. A beautiful way to end your day.

Chancel Choir

Our vocal choir meets to practice on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm on Zoom or in the Chapel with our music director, April Kuhr.  We meet from September through May and take time off in the summer.   We sing during the 10:30 am service and perform at Special Services such as Christmas Eve and Easter.

Labyrinth Walk and Meditation

The Labyrinth Walk and Meditation gathering has resumed on the first Friday of the month from 5:30-7pm in the Social Hall. All are welcome to join us as we walk the labyrinth and engage in silent prayer!

Book Study Group

We meet for informal discussions quarterly primarily focusing on social justice books. Join us twice a month on Mondays at 1pm in the Youth Room.


Sign-up groups meet regularly, and attendance is encouraged.  A group leader stays in touch via email.  If you are interested in a sign-up group, the leader will contact you to give you the next meeting’s details.  Most groups meet once or twice a month on the same day and time. Feel free to visit several groups until you find a good match. Meeting locations are changeable and may be at a home, restaurant, or on Zoom.  Please call the office if you’d like to join one of our sign groups.