

We are a community of believers, seekers, and doubters who have covenanted to journey together in faith and compassion, celebrating God and working toward a more just world. 

Service times and locations

We offer two services each Sunday for Worship (occasionally the time will change - check the home page for the correct time):

  1. The café service meets at 8:30 AM in the Chapel (left of the main entrance to the church). Join us as we gather together in the round for a more informal, worship experience.

  2. Our Sanctuary service meets at 10:30 AM in the sanctuary and on Zoom. This service features our beautiful pipe organ, choir and guest musicians. We broadcast this service over Zoom. Please contact the church office for a link to join us!

Contact the office: admin@theunitedchurches.org if you would like a Zoom link to join us!

We invite ALL to worship with us. You are welcome here!

DECLARATION THAT UNITED is a GUN-FREE ZONE:  Believing a gun-free environment is best for the safety and the spiritual framework for our congregational life and mission, the United Churches of Olympia (UNITED) declares its physical premises to be a gun-free zone. UNITED supports thoughtful and common-sense steps to reduce the threat of gun violence within our neighborhood, community, and congregation. UNITED does not oppose gun ownership. However, we do believe excluding firearms here assists in creating and supporting an environment that increases safety for all. On-duty law enforcement officers are exempt from this policy.